Author Guideline
Author Guidelines
Therevista_antiga is published yearly by the Department of Sociology,revista_antiga . It publishes dependable and timely data emanating from original research and new perspectives in sociology, anthropology and related fields. All articles submitted are reviewed anonymously by at least two experts in the field. Submissions can take various forms as follows:
- Regular articles: present and discuss original research within any area of Sociology/Anthropology. The maximum length is 25 double-spaced pages including references, tables and figures.
- Policy papers: report research relevant to policy-making on various aspects of social development. Policy reports should not be more than 20 double-spaced pages.
- Short Commentaries: about completed or on-going research projects on a subject of interest in Sociology/Anthropology, should be between 8 to 10 pages double-spaced pages.
- Letter to the Editor and Comments: usually on a paper previously published in the Journal or on issues highly relevant to Sociology/Anthropology are welcome. These are subject to editorial review before publication.
- Book Reviews: are encouraged. Prospective reviewers should obtain detailed guidelines from the Editors. Publishers are also encouraged to submit complimentary copies of their books to the Editor-in-Chief for review.
- Advertising in the Journal: is accepted subject to editorial approval. Rates can be obtained from the Business Manager.
- Preparation of Manuscripts
- Three copies of each article should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. A soft copy could be submitted with the Editors e-mail address. The first pages should contain the title of the paper, author’s names, title, institutional affiliation and address for correspondence, including telephone, fax and e-mail details. In the case of joint authorship, authors should indicate which of them should receive correspondences from the Editorial Office. The second page should contain the title of the paper and an abstract of not more than 150 words. Five key words should be specified.
- Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authorization for publication of the results of their work. Unless otherwise stated. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere